All the ways I use coconut oil

Every girl has her own beauty tricks. For me, coconut oil is my No. 1 beauty hack. It’s so versatile and serves so many different purposes.

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My transition to a shampoo bar

Trying to transition your life from what’s “normal” to what’s sustainable is NOT an overnight process. It takes time! And it takes patience. And it takes some transition periods.

I’m finding that out with every switch I make. Today I want to talk about my transition to a shampoo bar.

I decided to try it out on a whim. I’ve been using organic shampoo for about a year or so now, but I wasn’t exactly happy with the results. I was blowdrying and straightening my hair, as well as using non-organic styling products. Doh!

So last week, I switched to a shampoo bar thinking it would be the answer to all of my problems. The first day my hair felt better than I could have imagined! I was hooked immediately. (I should mention I was still using my chemical-laden styling products.)

As the week went on, I tried some new things:
• Minimal blowdrying and no straightening after using shampoo bar and chemical-laden styling products
• No blowdrying and no straightening after using shampoo bar and chemical-laden styling products
• Air drying followed by blowdrying and minimal straightening after using shampoo bar and chemical-laden styling products

What you’ll notice is that I kept using those stinking chemical-laden styling products, and I was unhappy with the results every time. So I went back to the drawing board and started from the beginning. I did my research and realized the issue isn’t the shampoo bar, but likely it’s the styling products.

How is an all-natural shampoo bar supposed to work if I’m negating its effects by putting chemicals right back onto my hair? I don’t know how I didn’t think of this sooner!

I feel like there’s a ton of build-up on my scalp, so my plan is to use the shampoo bar followed by an apple cider vinegar rinse (1 tablespoon ACV to 8 oz of water) followed by no products and a good old-fashioned air dry.

Because I feel like there’s a ton of build-up on my scalp, I think the ACV rinse may be necessary for multiple washes in the coming weeks. I’m excited to have an all-natural hair routine.

I will keep you posted on the results!

What shampoo bars are your favorite?

8 easy swaps I’ve made for a greener life

I’m not exactly sure when it happened, but it feels like one day I woke up and realized how wasteful I was. I’ve been using a reusable water bottle for years now, but I knew I had to do more.

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14 ways we saved money on our wedding

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I want to talk about my wedding. My husband and I are still newlyweds. We got married on October 4, 2018. We talked about getting married early on in our relationship, and we knew we didn’t want some extravagant affair.

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Beauty regimen for the green gal

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I’ve been on a journey to find natural skincare. About two years ago, one of my social media friends asked for recommendations for face masks. Another of my friends said she used a Honey Bee mask she purchased on She mentioned how smooth it made her skin, and how it got rid of her acne. Umm, sign me up!

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